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Butterfly at river acrylic painting

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How to make a wonderful Acrylic painting of butterfly at river side in green bamboo background 

Hello friends, I made a beautiful Acrylic painting of butterfly at river in green bamboo background. It's very easy If you are interested to make it then follow these steps-

butterfly acrylic painting at river Butterfly painting at river in bamboo background

Step 1 - (Required Materials)

Step 2 - ( Basic preparation for painting )

  • First of all take a canvas sheet or paper and attach it on easel or clipboard so that canvas sheet doesn’t move while making the painting. 
  • Now spread small amount of water on canvas sheet or paper using big flate brush.
  • Now take some amount of gesso and spread over canvas sheet or paper using big flate brush. It’s very important to get shiny look in your painting.

Step 3 - ( Make background )

  • Take green a colour in tray and mix small amount of flow improver according to use and spread over canvas sheet ( see in picture )
  • After applying one coat of green colour now take lemon yellow colour in tray and mix small amount of flow improver according to use and spread vertically in middle part of canvas sheet.The lemon yellow part edges make like as the intensity of lemon yellow colour decreases both edges side form middle part.( see in picture )
  • Clearly see in picture and use your senses for blending colours 
  • You can use water ( not more than 30 % ) or flow improver to make thin the paint. 
  • You can use retarder for easily blending the colours on canvas. 

Step 4 - ( Make sketch and paint it )

  • Now make a horizontal line at one fourth part of canvas above from bottom As have been shown in picture.
  • Now make three vertical line (parallel to each other and all in one fifth part of canvas sheet)in the right hand side of canvas sheet also make small branches and leaves of bamboo.
  • At last make three small oval shape for stones some distance away from vertical lines and upon horizontal line and make one oval shape at small distance from these shapes .Now on this oval shape make a sketch of butterfly looks like hovering over this stone shape are shown in picture. 
  • Now we are going to paint these sketches ,first of all take black colour(add flow improver) and use it in oval shapes and butterfly by using different size of brushes.
  • While painting , take special care of the pressure on the brush and keep the pressure low as per usage. 
  • Now take blue colour and make it light with use of white colour and paint the butterfly using small round brush ,on wings make small spots of white colour very light hands using small brush.  
  • Again using black colour paint the bamboo shape,using black and green mix colour paint the middle part of bamboo and paint the left part of bamboo using lemon yellow colour , the colour blend in such a manner the brightness increasing from right to left and colours region does not indentify different. 
  • Now take green and black colour and paint the branches and leaves as seen in picture , take small amount of white colour and make horizontal lines in bamboo shapes
  • Now take white and blue colour and mix it ,using a angle brush make shading on stone with very low pressure. 

Step 5 - ( Final finishing )       

  • Your painting is almost complete only river finishing is left so we make river at below horizontal line using green white black colour by flate brush , moving in zig zag direction with low pressure. 
  • In final step make shade of butterfly and stones on surface of river using black ,white and blue colour.  
butterfly acrylic painting Butterfly painting at river in bamboo background

Congratulations You made a beautiful painting of butterfly at river in green bamboo background. If you have any suggestions then tell me in comment box. 

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