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Acrylic painting of Horse riding at beach sunset tips for beginners step by step

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How to make a beautiful Acrylic painting of horse riding at beach sunset view

Hello friends , I made a beautiful acrylic painting of horse riding at beach sunset view. It’s very easy if you’re interested to make follow these steps -

hosre acrylic painting at beach 

Step 1 - ( material required ) :- 

  • Acrylic paint ( black ,white, violet , orange , brown ,  and red )
  • Plate for colour mixing 
  • Canvas sheet or canvas paper Home made canvas sheet at very low cost click here
  • Big flate brush , and brush set ( size will be depends upon canvas sheet if you use A4 or smaller than A4 sized canvas then you can use normal size brush set )
  • Gesso Home made Gesso at very low cost ( 60 ₹ or 0.7 $ /1kg )
  • Flow improver and water 
  • Tissue paper or small cotton clothe and Water jug  ( to wash brushes )
  • Easel or clip board and tape roll or stapler 

Step 2 - ( Make a shiny look of canvas ) :-

  • First of all take a canvas sheet or paper and fix it on easel or clipboard 
  • Now spread very small amount of water on canvas sheet or paper by using big flate brush 
  • Now take some amount of gesso and spread over canvas sheet by using big flate brush. It’s very important step to get a shiny look in your painting

Step 3 - ( Background making ) :-

  • Choose a scale for sky background ( 3/4 part of breadth )
  • Use violet colour and white, mix according to use  ( see the picture ) and spread on canvas ( sky background scale ) using a flate brush 
  • You can use water ( 30 % ) or flow improver to make thin  paint 
  • Now spread orange and yellow colour like as sunset sky 
  • Now make sea and waves using violet , black and white 
  • Make hills in left side using black and white colour 
  • Now make surface using light yellow and brown, make watery look on surface using white colour 

Step 4 - (sketch and final touch ) :-

  • Make  of sketch horse  rider ( see in picture )
  • Now use black colour for man horse rider and horse 
  • And use black and whit mix in women horse rider and horse , use light Brown and violet  to make highlights . Make hairs look like real (see in picture)
couple horse riding painting at beach sunset view step by step

Congratulations you successfully made your own “ Horse riding at beach sunset view ” painting .If you have any suggestions please use comments box .

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